
This website is dedicated to our spiritual teacher Yogi Paramapadma Dhiranandaji.

It serves the purpose of making his work accessible to all those interested.

This website is operated by:

MA Project-Management GmbH, Yogaschule Martin Arpagaus, Langrütistrasse 9, 6010 Kriens,


Links to other websites

The links on this website are intended to provide a better overview of the activities of the students who have been authorized by Paramapadma Dhirananadaji to teach Kriya Yoga and / or Astanga Yoga (Yoga teacher’s education program) in his tradition. Of course, the respective operator of the website is solely responsible for their content.


The contents of the website may only be copied or redistributed with the express permission of the operator.

Literature and sources

The content of this website is based on the explanations given by Paramapadma Dhiranandaji and the personal experience of the author. The following sources were also used for the background information:

Arpagaus Martin, Yogacharya diploma thesis . 2009

Dhirananda (SK Ghosh), Yogamrita, the essence of yoga . KRIYA Verlag Ennetbaden, 2nd edition 2004.

Dhirananda (SK Ghosh), Spiritual Guide – Part 1 to 9 , see Spiritual Guide – German

Hariharananda, Kriya Yoga. Introduction to the spiritual path of Sri Yukteswar and Paramahansa Yogananda. Heinrich Hugendubel Verlag Munich, 2nd edition 1986.

Langenscheidt (ed.), Handwörterbuch Sanskrit-Deutsch . Langenscheidt KG Berlin and Munich, 7th edition 2001.

Patañjali, The roots of yoga . OW Barth Bern, 12th edition 2007, p. 21. Taimni, IK, Science of Yoga. The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, 11th edition 2007.