Guru Parampara (or Guru Shishya Parampara) shows the lineage in the tradition of a teacher to his disciple. In any case, this line must be transparent and comprehensible, also to protect the pupils from false teachers. So it is never the case in this tradition that a teacher, for example in meditation, is asked by a guru to teach Kriya Yoga. Paramapadma Dhiranandaji commented on such phenomena: “That’s just your own imagination!” The following illustration shows the Guru Parampara by Paramapadma Dhiranandaji: Viswanandaji died in 2006 and has no successors. Kripanandamoyima continues the Guru Parampara of Paramapadma Dhiranandaji and teaches Kriya Yoga on his behalf. For more details see Kriya Yoga Seminars or directly on the website of Kripanandamoyima. Continue reading about the Yoga Teacher Education founded by Paramapadma Dhiranandaji